You might be in a situation where you have a gift card to a store but would rather have the cash balance instead. Though most stores won't allow you to exchange the card for cash, some will allow you to use the balance to buy a pre-paid Visa card. If you have a Walmart gift card and want to know if this retail giant allows this transaction, we can help you. We researched this retailer's operating procedures from multiple professional sources so that you'll know if this can be done.
Walmart will allow you to buy a pre-paid Visa gift card with a store-issued Walmart gift card. Doing so is a simple process that can be handled at any Walmart register.
Now that we know that Walmart will let you use one of its gift cards to buy a Visa gift card, we'll look at how this process works. You might also wonder if you can buy anything in Walmart with a Walmart gift card or if Walmart will let you return one of their gift cards for cash. For the answers to these questions and more, read ahead in this post to see what our research has uncovered.
How to use your Walmart gift card to buy a Visa gift card
If you need the value of your Walmart gift card to be used for goods and services outside of a Walmart store, then getting the balance moved to a Visa gift card is a great option. Doing so will transfer the balance of a store gift card to a pre-paid credit card. The Visa brand is universally known and can be used anywhere where a credit card is accepted.
Buying a Visa gift card from Walmart is pretty straightforward. They are located at or near each register. Select one and have the clerk load it with the number of funds that you desire.
If you are using a Walmart gift card as the source of funds, present the gift card to the clerk. They will then use the funds from the gift card to load the funds onto the new Visa pre-paid card. We suggest doing this type of transaction at a register with a Walmart associate rather than attempting it at a self-checkout. They can also handle this transaction in the customer service department.
Can I use my Walmart gift card to buy anything inside a Walmart store?
There are no restrictions on what you can buy inside Walmart with a Walmart gift card. These pre-paid cards can purchase goods inside your local Walmart, including groceries, clothing, electronics, and automotive services.
You can also use your Walmart gift card online. You will enter the gift card number on the payment screen. The balance will be applied to pay for your online transaction.
These gift cards can also be used at any Walmart Murphy USA gas station. Located outside many Walmart stores, these convenience stores will accept a Walmart gift for payment at the pump or inside the station store.
Sam's Club will take a Walmart gift card as well. If you do not have a Sam's Club membership, you will have to pay an additional 10% fee.
Will Walmart let me return my Walmart gift card for cash?
But what if you just need the cash balance on your Walmart gift cards? A Visa gift card is accepted in most places that take credit cards, but not everyone will take plastic. As they say, cash is king. But in this situation, you don't have another option.
Walmart will not allow you to return a Walmart gift card for cash. When you purchase the card, it states this in the user agreement. So if you are considering purchasing one of these cards for someone else, you might consider that they cannot be returned.
But just because Walmart will not take them back doesn't mean you are stuck with them. A little bit of internet sleuthing will show you that there are many places online that will gladly pay for your gift cards, even ones issued by Walmart.
Where can I sell my Walmart gift cards for cash?
Do you have various unwanted gift cards in your wallet or purse? Even though there might still be balances on them, they might be from retailers or restaurants you don't frequent. Many of us have been in positions after a wedding or a birthday when we get overwhelmed with a multitude of gift cards and can't wait to be rid of them.
These cards can add up to some money over time. And you'll probably want to use or unload them at some point. The longer you keep them, the greater the likelihood they'll get lost or stolen.
Consider selling your unused gift cards online.
There are quite a few companies online that will buy your unused or partially used gift cards. After taking part of the balance as a transaction fee, you will have the remaining amount sent to you. These companies will all accept a Walmart gift card.
Research these companies carefully, as there are always predators in wait online. Only use reputable companies for this, or you might find yourself without a gift card balance or their proceeds. The fees vary from company to company, so be mindful and compare several before you make a decision.
The fees you pay might not be worth this sale. Before you commit to selling a gift card online, be sure you understand all of the terms and conditions.
The best fee-free way to get rid of a Walmart gift card is with Visa
Honestly, it's best to redeem the Walmart gift card for a Visa one if you do not want the Walmart card. There is no fee to pay, and you know it is scam free. You already know that a Visa gift card will be accepted almost anywhere you see the Visa logo, so why leave things to chance with an online company?
Do Walmart gift cards expire?
Do you have an old Walmart gift card in your wallet or purse? If so, you might worry from time to time that the card will expire. The last thing you'll want to do is find out that it's no longer usable at the checkout line.
Thankfully, Walmart has no expiration on any of their store-issued gift cards. Also, Walmart makes it easy to keep an old gift card in your possession. The company will not charge any maintenance fees or surcharges at any time.
The retailer will also allow you to reload the gift card without paying any fees. These "fee-free" transactions are why many consumers prefer Walmart gift cards for holidays and birthdays.
Final thoughts
Walmart gift cards can be used in various ways, one of them being used to purchase a pre-paid Visa card. Though Walmart will not allow you to return one of their gift cards for cash, the company will never charge a maintenance fee for an inactive card. These cards will also never expire, and you can reload them at any time without paying a surcharge.
We hope this post on Walmart gift cards answered all of your questions. For additional helpful information, we suggest reading the following posts:
Can You Use A Walmart MoneyCard Anywhere? [Inc. Paypal]